Thursday, July 17, 2014

Malapropism of the Day -- "Case and Point"

and point, case
“In point” was a 17th century expression meaning “pertinent,” so case in point meant a pertinent case. Now confused with two associated things--a case and a point, much as set and match are associated with tennis victory. Recent example: “One case and point, Rodney King. May he rest in peace.” retrieved 13 may 2014

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Malapropism of the Day — "And Nauseam"

and nauseam
Variants: and infinitum, and hoc. See also: and absurdum, and hominem, hock. English’s and often gets mixed up with the Latin ad (to or on), usually with the sense of another Latin phrase, et cetera. Most malapropagandists aren’t thinking of the translation (to the point of nausea, or to infinity, or for this specific purpose), but rather just the idea that it’s something extra. Recent example: “But with nature versus nurture, the dichotomy is all in the eye of the beholder, and the real situation is much more complex (as is pointed out and nauseum).” retrieved 10 apr 2014.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Malapropism of the Day--"Alterior Motive"

alterior motive
Merges alternative (other) with ulterior (hidden) to mean other motive. Recent example: “I don't have an alterior motive and I am not paid to do this.” retrieved 9 apr 2014

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Malapropism of the Day—"Alcatraz Around (My) Neck"

Alcatraz around (my) neck
Confuses the bad reputation of a famous prison with that of the speaker in Coleridge’s famous poem, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, who brings misfortune on the ship by killing an albatross, and whose fellow sailors force him to wear it around his neck in penance. Boston’s mayor from 1993–2014, Thomas Menino, was famous for malapropisms—including this goof. Recent example: “I always found a job to be like an Alcatraz around my neck.” retrieved 3 may 2014

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Malapropism of the Day: "Cutting Age"

 age, cutting
Mixes cutting edge, a metaphor for technological newness, with modern age, a characterization of recent history connoting up-to-date technology and attitudes. Recent example: “In businesses I bring cutting age innovation, to assist leadership and their teams transform themselves and their business.” retrieved 20 may 2014

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Malapropism of the Day -- ADIEU


As some of you may know, I'm compiling a book of malapropisms for a NY publisher. Some are funny, some just curious. I'll be writing and illustrating it. At present, I'm still in the collecting/drafting stage, but I thought it might be fun to post a malpropism of the day. Since I'll have about 600 of them in the book, it should take me about two years to post them all, from A to Z. If you are inspired to submit to me some malapropisms you've run across, I'll welcome them!

Today's entry:

adieu, without further
Variant: much adieu. Conflation of adieu (good-bye) with ado (complicated doings, ceremony) to mean “without saying anything more.” Recent example: “Without further adieu . . . the next remix album is . . . *drum roll* Animal Crossing!”—retrieved 14 Mar 2014.